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India gives Rs.300Mn grant to build cold storage for Sri Lanka’s fruits and vegetables

Sept 20, 2018 (LBO) - A Memorendem of Understanding has been signed between the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs and the Government of India, to commence the construction of the largest cold storage in Sri Lanka for vegetables and fruits. According to the MoU signed at the Indian High Commission in Colombo, with a capacity of 5,000 MT cold storage complex will be constructed in Dambulla to store vegetables and fruits and the Government of India is to provide 300 million non-refundable grant for this purpose. The project is expected to be completed by March next year. Commenting on the project, the state Minister of National Policies and Economic Affairs, Dr.Harsha de Silva says "post-harvest loses in Sri Lanka is very high. Due to lack of storage facilities, farmers are unable to demand a reasonable price. This, in turn, has adversely affected the consumer prices as well. This problem can only be solved by linking Sri Lankan farmers to international agri-value chain. This is the main reason why the initiative was taken to construct cold-storage facilities and we expect to build more. I thank the Indian Government for their support in this venture. " The Food Commissioners Departmentwill be the responsible agency for implementation, management, facilitation and monitoring of this cold-storage complex at Dambulla which is under purview of the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs. The MoU was signed by the Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Taranjit Singh Sandhu and the Secretary of the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs,  K D S Ruwanchandra in the presence of the State Minister for National Policies and Economic Affairs Harsha de Silva. This cold storage complex is the largest proposed cold storage site and will be constructed in an area of ​​7 acres adjacent to the Dambulla Economic Center.
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