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Joint committee of both parties to study cabinet reshuffle: President


Apr 06, 2018 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena on Friday said the proposed cabinet reshuffle will be studied by a joint committee of the two parties in the government before it got implemented.

Addressing media heads at the President’s House in Colombo, he said reshuffle would be discussed at the Central SLFP Committee meeting scheduled to be held on Monday.

“I discussed this with the Prime Minister yesterday. It would be done in a scientific manner.” President Sirisena said. President at the meeting extended an invitation to all the 225 MPs to join the efforts of the government, irrespective of party differences. UNP Parliamentarian Mujibur Rahman, however, said they will hand over a no confidence motion currently signed by 15 MPs against the SLFP cabinet ministers who voted in favour of the motion. Referring to the demands of the TNA, President Sirisena revealed that TNA leader R Sampanthan told him that whatever the solution, it will have to be implemented with the consensus of the majority Sinhalese.

He further said that the proposed new constitution is a matter for the Parliament and the Parliamentary Committee appointed for this purpose is working to find a consensus agreeable to all the parties concerned.
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