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Daily income of state telcos surged after social media blocked: President

Mar 14, 2018 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena says daily income of state-owned telecommunication sector players have jumped significantly after restricting access to several social media sites. According to President, daily income of Sri Lanka Telecom and TRC alone has been increased by over 200 million rupees.
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“Officials from big foreign companies now coming to Sri Lanka saying that this is a huge loss to their companies,” President Sirisena said. “I told them that we need to come to an agreement because there needs to be a control over bad stuff spreading through these sites.” He further said that the government is to introduce a new framework for social media sites in the coming weeks. President Maithripala Sirisena was speaking at an event hosted by the Sri Lankan community in Japan during his official visit. Meanwhile, the government has lifted the restriction imposed on Viber from yesterday midnight, Government Information Department revealed. Government has taken this step taking into consideration the difficulties faced by people particularly, Sri Lankan workers in abroad, business community, and tourists. “The longer the social media ban persists, the greater the damage to tourism, the IT sector, business, and the nation's reputation for freedom and openness.” US Ambassador Atul Keshap said in a twitter message. Former Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka also said that access to social media must be unblocked ASAP and the government must set in place a system to curtail hate speech and fake news. Related: Sri Lanka blocks Facebook, Instagram to prevent spread of hate speech LinkedIn to ban users engage in hate speech
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