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" DFCC was appointed as the administrative unit of the Energy Services Delivery Project (1997-2002) and the follow on Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development Project (2003-2011) financed by the World Bank-Global Environment Facility and the government. Under these credit lines, more than 180MW of renewable energy generation capacity was added to the national grid and more than 139,000 rural households were provided with electricity through off-grid schemes.
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DFCC also became the pioneer financier for private sector wind power projects in Sri Lanka, when it part financed the first wind power project in 2010. Its involvement in this undertaking extended beyond financing, to facilitating the introduction of a cost-based, technology-specific tariff structure. This enabled projects using wind technology to be commercially viable and spurred development of this form of renewable energy in Sri Lanka. DFCC has also financed a manufacturer of turbines for local and foreign hydro power plants. This project was the recipient of ADFIAP's award for 'Outstanding Project-Technology Development’. DFCC Bank has also extended funding to local hydropower developers to set up projects overseas. Arjun Fernando, CEO, DFCC Bank, said: “DFCC Bank is proud to be associated with the nation’s first 10 MW solar power project as the Lead Financier." "We would like to congratulate Sagasolar Power (Pvt) Ltd for successfully commissioning this ground-breaking project, which will provide a boost to Sri Lanka’s efforts in harnessing sustainable energy solutions." "Our domain of expertise and customised financial solutions are of critical importance in seeing such projects reach fruition. DFCC is on a path of robust expansion and we envision growth in this and other sectors that will spur greater economic development in the country.”