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Sri Lanka joins 9 countries that reformed fisheries governance


Apr 22, 2016 (LBO) – Sri Lanka has joined the growing list of countries that have reformed their fisheries governance systems following a lift of ban by the European Commission yesterday.
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Subsequent to specific warnings by the European Union, a total of ten countries (Sri Lanka, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, Korea, the Philippines, Fiji, Belize, Panama, Togo and Vanuatu) have so far reformed their systems.
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The European Commission lifted the red card and associated trade measures off Sri Lanka, saying the country has significantly improved its national fisheries governance. “Today's decisions are yet another sign of the EU's determination to fight illegal fishing globally,” Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella said.
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“It also shows that we can bring important players on board: Sri Lanka has now a robust legal and policy framework to fight illegal fishing activities.” The Commission said by today the country has amended its legal framework, strengthened sanctions and improved its fleet control. Sri Lanka was issued with a yellow card in 2012 and been listed by the Council in February 2015.
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Read More: European Commission - Press release
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