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Sri Lanka opposition doesn’t want foreign-led economy through ETCA

Feb 19, 2016 (LBO) – Parties in Sri Lanka’s opposition have raised concerns over proposed ETCA with India saying it leads to the "foreignization" of the Sri Lankan economy through executive fiat.
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Issuing a statement, the Joint Opposition charged the government for opening the country up to Indian service providers although the proposed ETCFA is still pending.
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“Minister Malik Samarawickrema did tell the media that the government would be opening up the IT and maritime engineering services to Indian professionals but he did not say anything about pre-hospitalisation health care,” the statement said.

“But the Prime Minister presented a cabinet paper dated 2 September 2015 on the setting up of an Ambulance service of India which will commence in the Western and Southern provinces first and then be expanded to the rest of the country.” The statement further says before any new agreement is entered into, the shortcomings in the existing FTA with India should be ironed out and the bureaucratic blocks that Sri Lankan exporters have experienced in India should be eliminated. “In 2014, we imported 4,023 million USD worth of goods from India and exported goods worth only 625 million USD to India.
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After more than 15 years of the FTA, Sri Lanka’s largest export item to India is arecanut.” ETCA-Final
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8 years ago

Important issues for & against are in the horizen that needs to be to be considered carefully & widely & openly..From one side recurrent serious trade imbalances do indicate unsustainable situations since the key theme mutual benefits seems to be missing.On the other hand some harping jut to make few more billionaires by shutting SL maketets to outside world is useless since large population may be paying through nose for mnaupulations by one or two individuals.We do import many many things even @ present that has been ,& can be produced here generating huge unemployment, lower incomes for locals (consider the plight in estates) for what?Simply using the principle of free trade.T The bottom line has to be how future FTA benifit majority of our people & country in a sustainable way?The bottom line also include mutual benifit (country to country not individual to individual or few organisations) .It means sustainability of majority of the people & industry that supports them ).It is this decades of manipulation(a chance for few or market for some (individual or country)insted sustainable two way stream in many areas that has made borrowing the most sort after profession in SL whilst people & assets idle in poverty.

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago

If this joint opposition wishes to be taken seriously it had better provide a copy of the cabinet paper that the Prime Minister is claimed to have presented on the 2nd of September 2015 – ie 5 months ago. If the joint opposition is responding to this paper only now – FIVE MONTHS after it is claimed to have been tables then this speaks VERY POORLY of the capacity of this Joint opposition.

If opposition to the ECTA is necessary then the underlying policy justifying such opposition must be made very clear. Not all Sri Lankan citizens have IQs of 79 even though 79 is the national average IQ of the islands population. The MINORITY that possess IQs of 100 and above would like to see a responsible opposition that alerts them to matters of concern and not an opposition that BLINDLY opposes whatever the government proposes. The sooner that this joint opposition produces its alternative policy nexus on the basis of which it claims credibility for its opposing the governments proposals the sooner its intentions can be assessed and evaluated and responded to by the intelligent people on the island.

As soon as the joint opposition publishes a copy of this cabinet paper claimed to have been tabled by the Prime Minister FIVE MONTHS AGO on the 2nd of September 2015 I will analyze that paper and decide for myself whether it should be opposed.

As soon as this joint opposition publishes the policy nexus on the basis of which it claims that opposing the governments proposals is a credible and necessary course of action I will be able to make my evaluation of this claim as well.

The proposals of the government need not be accepted without critical examination and amendment where required. Such critical examination and amendment requires the active engagement of as many intelligent people who are also possessed with the conceptual frameworks and skills required for this task. It will be of much help if such people will come forward to analyze the governments proposals and its conduct and make recommendations relating thereto. The formation of a “citizens shadow government” may be an interesting experiment and it will be very rewarding and hopefully very entertaining as well if this “citizens shadow government” is able to come up with a policy nexus a proposed legislative and regulatory framework as well as process that can lead to the implementation of this policy nexus along with a time frame and budget that will be required for its implementation.

Few Intelligent people have the strategic skills required to successfully seek election to parliament which is a process that involves the wooing of votes by addressing the most common factors which are precisely those that attract the attention of the majority of this islands population with its average IQ of 79. This does not mean that those who do not contest elections have to remain silent and inactive. They have every right and duty to formulate and advocate those policies that they consider to be the best and in the best of their interests. I hope there are enough intelligent people on the island who will come forward to realize this possibility.

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago

The joint oppositions statement offers a glimpse into its thinking and gives cause for much concern, when it calls upon the Sri Lankan business community, professionals and general public to oppose what it sees as “ foreignization of the Sri Lankan economy”.

For the information of those who are too young to remember, this is a very clear indication that the xenophiobia seeking to legitimize itself by dressing itself up as “protectionism” that emerged in the 60’s and led to stunting, malnutrition and starvation in the 70s and to the relegation of the island to the position of a quaint backwater with outdated technologies, ancient motor vehicles, broken down roads, rattling and bug infested railways, crumbling buildings and people with ideas and cultural aspirations that belong to a time 2500 years ago, is still the mainstay of this joint opposition. This thinking on “foreignization” can be stated briefly as “freedom from human civilization also known as the white mans law” which unfortunately has always been the “freedom” longed for and aggressively and violently advocated by the more rabidly nationalistic sections of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and its communist and Trotskyite allies who seem to make up the majority of this joint opposition.

This cloying xenophobia has prevented the realization of the fact that this is a small island with a small population of only 20 million people with an average national IQ of 79 which borders on mental retardation and that such a population is very unlikely to be able to generate the advanced human resources required to ensure that its development is synchronized with and relevant to the development of the species Homo sapiens to which it belongs and of the planet as a whole. If the island is to realize its inherent potential within this global developmental process of which this joint opposition appears to be unaware, then it will be necessary to engage the best brains of the world to do so and very few of these best brains of the world are to be found among the islands predominantly low IQ population.

The employment of such advanced human resources from all over the face of the planet is therefore essential and this joint oppositions categorizing of such employment of advanced human resources as “foreignization” is ugly and unacceptable. Moreover this charge of “foreignization” of the economy appears to be a biased and inaccurate one. This is demonstrated by the fact that thousands of Chinese workers were employed on various projects on the island and this joint opposition which was then part of the government saw no indication of “foreignization” in this practice. Moreover this joint opposition was part of the government that was prepared to – treacherously – give away to China, large chunks of strategically valuable land in the Colombo Port City and it saw no “foreignization” in this
course of action. Why this joint opposition sees the Indian governments wish to provide the islands population with a sophisticated island wide ambulance service as “foreignization” of the economy is therefore very difficult to understand UNLESS this joint opposition is committed to the severing of ties with people from all other countries other than China. This is totally unacceptable since China has proved itself to be an opportunistic element with no concern for the interests of the islands population which is why it happily came forward to finance one of the most repressive regimes that opposed the most basic principles of the lobal civilization of the human species and attempted to set up an autocratic feudal dynasty, while almost all other nations opposed this attempt.

Why the Government of India wishes to finance of all things an ambulance service on the island is something that must be explored deeply. As this joint opposition has pointed out local operators can provide such a service if our government gives them the resources that the Indians are being given by their government in order to set up and establish this service. There is no reason why our government should not give local businesses who are already running such services the resources to take their operations to scale at national level EXCEPT for the fact that there is no clear reason why such an island-wide ambulance service is required UNLESS there is good reason to anticipate a sudden increase in the number of patients requiring such a service. What kind of sudden epidemic can generate such a need cannot at the moment be perceived and if the government of India is able to perceive such a need then we should ask it to tell us more about the factors it perceives that would account for the emergence of such a need.

In the meantime this “Joint opposition” had better get its act together and make clear the policy nexus underlying its recommendation that the proposals of the government be opposed by “the Sri Lankan business community, professionals, and the general public”. If such a clear and credible policy nexus cannot be articulated or worse still if such a nexus does not exist, then this offer of an island wide ambulance service may take on an air of ominousity given the post independence history of this islands population. After all foreign investment in the Sri Lankan economy – this joint oppositions opposition to “foreignization” not withstanding – offers opportunities to the general public and especially young people seeking employment, professionals who wish to widen their professional practices and businesspersons who wish to access wider markets through collaborations with foreign investors.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nirmalan Dhas

Couldn’t agree more with what you have said!

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