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CHEC Port City refutes allegations by Sri Lanka state minister

Jan 22, 2016 (LBO) - CHEC Port City Colombo in a letter to Sujeewa Senasinghe, state minister of international trade, has refuted a public statement by him of corruption in the Colombo Port City deal.
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“The said statement attributed to you, which induces the reader to arrive at the irresistible conclusion that the project has been secured by the project company by offering bribes and/or commissions and/or other such financial inducements also creates the impression that the project company has been involved in corrupt practices,” the letter said. “In response we wish to categorically emphasize the fact that the project company has not been involved in any form of bribery and/or corruption to secure the said project.
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It has never been the policy of the said project company to secure projects by resorting to bribery and corruption.” Last week, Senasinghe told reporters that Sri Lanka will continue with the Colombo port city project after downsizing the previous agreement entered with China. He stated that 50 acres was supposed to be given on a private deal to a prominent family of the previous government, and that part of the agreement will be changed.
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Senasinghe said: “Now we have studied the full project and decided to downsize the project.
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We have also decided to take off the corruption part out of it.
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” Jiang Houliang, the managing director of CHEC Port City Colombo, in the letter says: “every aspect of the project has been scrutinized and/or reviewed by different committees comprising of government officials, technical experts, environmentalists and other persons” “However, not an iota of evidence surfaced which suggested that the project company has offered any bribes and/or has been involved in corrupt practices to secure the project.” “Hence, we wish to categorially refute such insinuations and/or allegations which suggest that a certain portion of the reclaimed land was earmarked to be handed over to the members of a prominent family.”
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8 years ago

Why these politicians are lying and talk about something they don’t know? 3rd grade politicians from a 3rd world country. Shame.

8 years ago

Who elected these jokers?

8 years ago

Who gave nomination to this idiot ??
While China is Investing all over the World and assisting several countries, our politicial idiots are doing everything to distance ourselves from China.
First it was during the election campaign and now by this politician who has got his foot in the mouth.
What is the other country who invests on development including in developed countries other than China??/

8 years ago

Well they bought legendary Investor Harbhajan Singh to Sri Lanka, Thats a good Start….Just Kidding

R S S Perera
R S S Perera
8 years ago

Your parent company was Blacklisted by the World Bank for questionable activities in the Philippines.

8 years ago

What in the hell is wrong with this government? do these clowns know anything about diplomacy? Ministers, government spokesman not a word coming out of these people can be trusted just like the Rajapaksha regime sometime ago. You can’t remove corruption just like taking out weeds off the garden, it is hysterical and amusing at best and down right borderline retarded at worst. Do these people even understand how insulting this is to Chinese? I’m surprised they still wanted to invest in this project after enduring this much harassment.

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago

The government of China, unlike other governments, stood by silently in the face of the subversion of due democratic process and the rule of law and the gross violation of human rights as an attempt was launched to install a feudal regime and dynasty. Instead of doing all that is possible to prevent this attempt at dragging us into a feudal socio economic formation where the whims of personalities enforced by violence reigns supreme, the government of China encouraged and financed and defended this attempt.

The massively inflated estimated for the construction of infrastructure facilitated the treasonable attempt to acquire key strategic properties of our state. China has shown that it is an opportunistic thief and unfit to be regarded as a friend. A thorough investigation of its activities is required along with a detailed disclosure of the operational methodology of this state and the names of those who benefitted from and facilitated its moves must be disclosed and where necessary such persons tried for having committed acts of treason. Those guilty must be punished severely.

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