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Validity of new constitution would not expire in 5 yrs: Arjuna


The Minster of Ports and Shipping Arjuna Rantunga charged that the power and the validity of the new constitution would not be expired in five years but remain valid for next thirty to forty years. Addressing the public at in Weyangoda last Saturday (16) Minister said that the significant task before the society and the government was to protect the country from the extremists group who mislead the society and leading the country for a civil war. “Some people ask us what is the purpose of the constitution. Perhaps the young community in Sri Lanka neither aware or nor eager about the topic. Our main purpose it to build the most suitable constitution for the country.

Some parties have started to criticize the Government effort of developing a new constitution. But we should know that the racism groups active in every society (North, South and East) are misleading the people. Not only them but also there have other groups who misleads the society. The aim of this kind of extremist is to lead the society for a civil war. They promote themselves by delivering false information to the public. The extremist groups are active in Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim societies. But we established our government to make a good society for all,” the Minister said. The people who ruin the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) are the people who hold press briefings daily and promote racism. The SLFP lost the last election as a result of entering in to agreements with extremists parties.
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But this should be changed. We are not giving priority for the party but for the qualification even regarding the jobs opportunities and school admissions.

So, that why I’ m telling that significant of the constitution is important topic for a country. Hence, we should develop this new constitution to valid for next thirty to forty years but not just for next five years,” the Minister added.
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