9 new innovators selected virtually for second batch of Fashion for Good’s South Asia Innovation Programme

Jul 23, 2020 (LBO) - Fashion for Good, a global platform for innovation, welcomes 9 start-up innovators into the second batch of its regional Programme.

Focusing on technologies and innovations in raw materials, wet processing, packaging, end-of-use and digital acceleration, the new selection of innovators bring solutions into the Programme crucial to the manufacturing and supply chains in South Asia.

The second batch joins Fashion for Good’s global selection of start-ups driving the industry’s transformation towards a more sustainable, circular system. The selected innovators in the South Asia Innovation Programme include:

Bagrotec (Indonesia – Raw Materials), Biomize (India – Raw Materials), KB Cols Sciences (India – Wet Processing), Lucro (India – End of Use), Nordshield (Finland – Wet Processing), Phabia (India – Packaging), Phool (India – Raw Materials), PoshaQ (India – Digital Acceleration) and Swatchbook (USA – Digital Acceleration).

“We’re extremely pleased to welcome 9 new innovators into our second batch of the South Asia Programme. Now more than ever, it’s important to support and scale the innovations in one of the industry’s most crucial manufacturing regions that can provide vital solutions to help build back stronger, more sustainable and resilient.” Katrin Ley, Managing Director – Fashion for Good shared.

Due to current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the selection day for the second batch of innovators was held virtually. A total of 19 innovators, who were shortlisted from over 100 start-ups, attended from across the globe to pitch their innovations with sustainable solutions focused on the South Asia region.

A jury of regional Fashion for Good partners together with an advisory council of global Fashion for Good partners selected the final 9 innovators, with who they will collaborate closely in the coming 9 months.

With three innovators having female founders and co-founders, the new batch includes innovations in raw materials – specifically biopolymers, bamboo fibre and alternative leathers and foams, wet processing - namely anti-microbial finishes and microbial dyes, digital acceleration solutions in AI and image processing and virtual swatches, as well as end-of-use solutions, closing the loop and making plastic products more sustainable.

Starting today, the 9 innovators, will benefit from Fashion for Good’s Programme, its Corporate Partners and a global network of like-minded organisations, providing support, to help scale their solutions.

With the addition of the new innovators to its Programme, Fashion for Good continues to scale promising innovations from and for the South Asian region, while establishing a solid presence and partnerships with manufacturers and retailers in the region.

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