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13 acres added to conservation forest maintained by Heritance Kandalama

In line with its long-standing commitment to environmental sustainability, Aitken Spence Hotels is proud to announce the expansion of Heritance Kandalama’s biodiversity forest oasis. This significant investment sees an additional 13 acres of land added to the conservation forest area, which now spans 211 acres creating a secure forest bridge within the existing Forest Department nature reserves.

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Embracing the spirit of nature's symphony, this expansion secures the longevity of the sanctuary's wealth of biodiversity creating a haven of ecological preservation amidst Sri Lanka's central province. The forest stands as a testament to Heritance Kandalama's dedication to protect our country's invaluable ecosystems and their myriad inhabitants.

Within the verdant expanse of the forest oasis, a symphony of life unfolds marked by remarkable diversity that thrives in harmony.

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Visitors will encounter a vibrant canvas of 128 species of native flora that form a colourful backdrop to the flurry of activity from the forest's inhabitants as 64 species of butterflies add a graceful dance to the landscape whilst the air resonates with the songs of 183 endemic and migratory bird species.

The sanctuary's recent expansion safeguards a habitat and roaming territory for 19 species of reptiles, some rare and endangered, and 17 mammals. The forest area is also home to rich birdlife and notable residents including the Grey Heron, Blue Tailed Bee-Eater and the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher. The jungle also houses birds of prey such as the Changeable Hawk Eagle, Brahminy Kite and the Grey-headed Fish Eagle.

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The sanctuary is crisscrossed by 11 protected natural streams that nurture the local ecosystem sustaining life throughout the landscape and feeding the Kandalama tank. These water sources contribute to the flourishing biodiversity and serve as vital lifelines for the myriad species within the forest.

“Heritance Kandalama's expansion of the biodiversity forest oasis is a shining example of our unwavering dedication to sustainable environmental stewardship. By investing in the preservation of this land, Heritance Kandalama continues to strike a balance between uniquely opulent hospitality and nature conservation, creating a model for sustainable tourism and eco-resort operation that inspires the industry at large”, commented Stasshani Jayawardena, Chairperson Aitken Spence Hotel Managements Pvt (Ltd). 

The hotel warmly invites guests and eco-tourism enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the natural beauty and rich biodiversity of this expanded sanctuary.

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