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10 killed in fresh Sri Lanka violence

COLOMBO, May 6, 2007 (AFP) - A landmine detonated by Tamil Tigers killed three police commandos in eastern Sri Lanka on Sunday while seven suspected rebels died elsewhere in the embattled region, the defence ministry said.
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The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) attack blew up a police Special Task Force vehicle in Batticaloa district killing three officers and wounding three more, the ministry said in a statement.

Security forces shot five rebels in the north of the island early Sunday while two more were killed in Batticaloa, the statement said.

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It said the guerrillas fired mortars across their front line in Vavuniya, in the north of the island Sunday, injuring several soldiers.

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Security forces retaliated, but there were no immediate reports of rebel casualties.
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There was also no word from the Tigers about the latest reports of fighting.

The renewed violence came after the Sri Lankan navy said it killed at least a dozen rebels in a battle off the northeast coast on Friday night.

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The LTTE has waged a 35-year campaign for independence that has claimed more than 60,000 lives.

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More than 4,800 people have been killed in the latest upsurge of fighting that began in December 2005.
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