We need a political strategy to empower state enterprises, reduce tax payer burden: Eran


Oct 30, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka needs to have a political strategy to support the implementation of reforms and restructurings of state owned enterprises to reduce the burden on the treasury or the tax payer, deputy minister of state owned enterprises (SOEs) said.
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"We have a situation in which the tax payer at large is paying for the expenses of a few who actually benefit directly from those enterprises,”Eran Wickramaratne, deputy minister of state enterprise development told a forum organized by the Institute of Policy Studies. “So the burden of the state enterprises on the treasury or on the tax payer essentially needs to be brought down,” he said. “Taking some lessons from the past, I think our reforms and restructuring have to be preceded by a political strategy, so that the stake holders widely understand what we are trying to do and the stake holders understand that this is going to give them a return and it is in their interest.
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" "And therefore I would say that the political strategy is even more important than the reform and restructuring that we have to do.” He says the new administration plans to manage performance of state workers while reducing political intervention and interference in the state owned enterprises, “so that the managers of these institutions could pursue their economic and financial goals.” State enterprises are defined as legal entities that undertake commercial activities on behalf of an owner government. State enterprises which pay salaries to employees through tax payers’ money have incurred losses over the past decade and have been criticized for being bloated services. Official data shows that state group returns on assets trails far behind their privately owned counterparts. Experts add that there has been no progress in halting losses incurred by the SOEs.

Since 2005, there has been a clear policy reversal with further privatization efforts ruled out in favor of ‘restructuring’ SOEs. But SOEs continue to make huge losses. Especially the larger corporation such as the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB), Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) and Sri Lankan Airlines.
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Operating losses of selected SOEs
Rs.Billion 2012 2013 2014
CEB -62.1 24.6 -11.7
CPC -89.6 -7.9 1.7
SriLankan Airline -27.0 -28.6 -29.0
CEB enjoyed an operating profit in 2013 due to greater utilization of hydropower and a tariff revision, but this has been the exception. Wickramaratne says there are twin problems the new administration face when reforming the state owned enterprises - the issue of ownership and the issue of management. “I think without being dogmatic about any of these issues, we should be taking a more pragmatic approach,” Wickramaratne says. But privatization is not the only solution for ownership issue, he added.
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“I would like to pass the issue of ownership by saying that where there is capital required we will pursue different means of attracting the capital that is actually required,” “And the reason I passed the question of ownership is that often people use the word of privatization and I have been haunted by the press to know where the government is on privatization or not and I have deliberately left that word out because of the connotation that word has been assigned over a period of time,” “So for me it is not a question of one side fix all and there is one solution for all the problems of state owned enterprises and given the range of enterprises, the differences in the particular industries, we will look at each industry separately and institutions separately with an open mind,” “So it is capital that actually needed in some of those.” Sri Lanka’s fiscal management responsibility act of 2003 capped direct borrowing by state entities with treasury guarantees to 4.5 percent of GDP. This was subsequently amended in the budget 2013 and raised to 7 percent.
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This move encouraged the SOE’s to get direct borrowings with government guarantees ensuring better terms and conditions. However this has resulted in the contingent liabilities increasing sharply from 1.6 percent of GDP in 2006 to 5.7 percent of GDP in 2014, heightening systemic risks for overall fiscal stability. Wickramaratne argues the other issue the state owned enterprises face is productivity. He says the SOEs are lacking right managerial skills to improve productivity.
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“Personally in my corporate experience, I strongly believe, the secret in any enterprise is ultimately its people even more than its capital and technology.” “Productivity is the biggest issue facing state owned enterprises.” “Whether we measure this productivity as productivity per capital employee or per labor, productivity has to improve and therefore clearly there has to be management independence in improving productivity where there are deficit in terms of management skills,” he said. “We should find a way of bridging that gap in management.
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” “I think we will have to look at innovative structures in actually bringing people.” “Unless we are able to fundamentally address that question in terms of management and skills we are never be going to able to turn around these industries.” Sri Lanka’s public servants have often been blamed for their slow and zero time management services who takes half of the island’s tax revenue to maintain. But they are the key player in bringing or changing the administration of the Indian Ocean island. The new administration also raised the salaries of state sector employees by 10,000 rupees through interim budget proposal and 5,000 rupees out of that was given in February on top a 3,300 increment given by the last regime.
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The remaining 5,000 rupees was added in June this year raising state sector employees’ salaries by 47 percent.

“If you look at it over a period of time, we have under invested in our public services,” Wickramaratne said. “We get the best brains from the universities in the country and somehow or the other we do not get the corresponding output of employing that capital of a period of time.
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” “But if you look at the private sector we can draw a lesson from them which is heavily invest. Ongoing training is the key, because learning is now a lifelong skill. It is an investment; so we need the best management and that would need to look at remuneration, innovative structures and investments as policy measures.”
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8 years ago

Very true. This should be one of the priorities of new government. We need to correct this slow backwards government services asap. Salute to minister Eran n of course to the writer because these things have to be told in public in order to open peoples and government officials eyes.

8 years ago

Sad truth(for decades) is many losses to SOE’s(people) in most cases reflect profits for a few.In this 21st century of information correct strategy,its correct implimentation,& above all it’s timing for results that becomes crusial.

sascre blieu
sascre blieu
8 years ago

The irony of it all sis that these state corporations is stuffed with political goons who resort to looting the funds , after the state periodically infuses capital into them. They have become more of a haven for degenerates than an institution of value. The public banks are saddled with losses and periodically write them off, and the shocking part is that they hold public and private funds that go to subsidise this looting.

8 years ago

Unfortunately CB Governor appointed by the Government is not happy with the taxes paid by the people and say that taxes should be increased. This is what the Governor said :

Sri Lanka’s government will have to extract more taxes from the people to sustain itself and repay debt and the country faced a ‘make or break’ challenge over revenues

“Sri Lanka still taxes its people like a Sub-Saharan country,” Mahendran said.

“We still manage to get only about 10 percent of GDP (gross domestic product) which is quite pathetic.”

“For some reason the government cannot bring itself to raise sufficient taxes to pay its debt, let alone the rest of the expenditure, paying public servants etc.”

8 years ago

There’s a lot of talk of, ‘should be’ s, and ‘must be’ s and ‘very soon’ s by the likes of Ranils, Mehendras, Erans, Harshas, and Ravi’s (the key intellectuals). But where’s the beef? Forget these white elephant SOE’s. It would not be politically possible to change their lethargic culture any time soon and the energy spent is in vain. Instead focus on quality FDI from the West / US / Japan multinationals. And use the mega FDI route to jump-start and re-route the
economy within a contemporary business culture. Many top foreign business delegations have come – and gone – but without putting their money where their mouths were. To name a few: Volksvogan, Honeywell, Hitachi. Why? As the German Ambassador recently said, one main reason is there’s no cohesive investment policy regime – which is a non-starter for any multinational, and I’ll add to that: nor there are any meaningful strategies or tactics to allure multi-nationals. For example, there’s just one very nice soul at the SL Embassy in Washington DC to promote business among 5.7 million US businesses! It is clear that the Prez knows little about global business or he would not have appointed a lawyer as the nation’s top salesman (BOI Chairman) to allure Fortune 500’s. One fact is clear: the key intellectuals will need to re-intellectualize very fast or risk a 3rd Marxist uprising!

Upali De Soyza
Upali De Soyza
8 years ago

Well said Mr Wickremesinghe. Isn’t the answer to the problems outlined in your hands. You speak about best using best brains coming out of the universities but not whether these brains have the practical, hands on experiance to manage these enterprises. This is perhaps the part of the ills of our country. We seek to pay homage to Ph D’s and other out of the way degree holders without any experience of running a business to make money. Sri Lanka may probably have the highest number of Ph D and other higher degree holders, per capita, than any other South Asian nation. I have no problem with these people so long as they acquire relevant experience before trying to manage complex businesses.
Sir, let’s get real and get some ‘hard nosed’ well experienced individuals to manage our SOEs. Until then you may talk until ‘ cows come home’ and will not achieve any more than what has been going on for the last 40 years or so.


sascre blieu
sascre blieu
8 years ago

There was a proposal to add value to the basic natural raw mineral material we export , so that we could obtain a much higher price. Science and technology has improved very much over the years and these raw material should now be exported with added value to their properties. There seems to have been a strange linkage between the these exports and the buyer, who stands to benefit immensely from these raw materials and as is the practice , illicit commissions kept overseas for our gentlemen. Our organisations are hardly getting any profit and mostly losses. Graphite, rutile, feldspar,etc., found in this country , it is high time that these minerals should be be improved to the higher grade of value.

8 years ago

Closer look @figurers revel every person in the country has to bear a burden of LKR 10.5/- (approximately)per day/per person from their earnings to maintain these losses of three entities.There are plenty of other entities too who are clamering for pocket money from people who earn less than LKR 200/- a day. Not sale but proper restructure is the key.Tax,Price hikes,(kokatath thel is out)& Pl go after efficiancy/smarter empowered work ethics/ decisions ect for results.

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