Polonnaruwa to become a metro city at cost of Rs16 bn


July 30, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka's north central heritage city Polonnaruwa to develop as a metro city at a cost 16,650 million rupees, cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said at a media briefing held Thursday.
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Polonnaruwa town and its nodal points known as Polonnaruwa, Kaduruwela and New Town are growing fast as Heritage City, Commercial City and Administrative City respectively. The development project will implement a number of town development projects to develop Polonnaruwa as a Metro City, overcoming the issues of traffic congestion, parking issues and environmental hazards, keeping with the development plan prepared for the entire town.
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The city caters to over 80,000 people daily and this number is likely to increase rapidly, Senaratne said.
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The proposal made by Rauff Hakeem, the Minister of Urban Development to implement the Grater Polonnaruwa Town Development project which is comprised of many projects in the fields of commercial development, heritage conservation and tourism promotion, environmental and landscaping development was given cabinet approval.
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9 years ago

Typical SL Politics. The Presidents doing their Home Town – at the cost all other more pressing demands.
No feasibility studies,just plain promises.

lesley Jayaweera
lesley Jayaweera
9 years ago

Great !!! These clowns raped the country within last 6 months. Hakim will make couple of billions at the expense of poor sinhalese. No one can not see how these criminals are control the country. If we say anything about Tamils or Muslims we are become racists. Who own the wealth of srilanka ? now we can not visit upcountry as well & no sinhalese are allowed to work in our tea estates. Awake up guys time is running out & elect a man who has guts & balls

9 years ago

Raped the country? The country was raped and abused in teh last 10 years!

You are using Tamil and Muslim nationalism to defend Sinhala Racists? That is just what Nazis do!

9 years ago

I would say this is bit wasteful since even the “metro Colombo urban development plan” is only Rs. 41 billion. And colombo has much more larger population and visited by almost a million people. Even the Polonnaruwa district only has 400, 000 inhabitants.

9 years ago

It is not advisable to pick certain cities and develop.MR selected Hambabthota.MS Polonnaruwa.Both are their electorates.People in other areas contributed equally to the state coffer and has the right to equal development.All cities of Sri Lanka should be developed equally!

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