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Sri Lanka Ports Authority raises Rs40mn from vehicle auction

Jan 01, 2016 (LBO) – Sri Lanka Ports Authority has raised 40 million rupees from auctioning their unused vehicles, the authority said.
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67 bidders have forwarded their bids to the auction held Wednesday which included 50 vehicles and 33 associated equipment. Sri Lanka Ports Authority said this was the first time such a large number of vehicles had been brought before an auction.
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The authority further stated that most of these vehicles have been bought during the past regime and said that it is even difficult to find spare parts for these vehicles due to their high prices.

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sacre blieu
sacre blieu
8 years ago

There appears to be something amiss in this issue. Firstly, who valued these vehicles? Then ,an auction is an open bidding exercise and not a method of soliciting singular bid offer. That is done by tender. Knowing that the ports and customs have been involved in various questionable issues, will the seized newer vehicles be release through false documentation.

8 years ago

Good if original costs and years of use are shown to compare with Rs 40 mn.

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