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Sri Lanka adverse weather death toll at 13, Showers to continue


May 24, 2018 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's death toll due to the prevailing adverse weather conditions had increased to 13 as rains are expected to peak on Thursday with showers or thundershowers to occur in Western, Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Central and North-Western provinces, reports said. The Disaster Management Centre (DMC) said 11 people were confirmed dead on Wednesday with the Police confirming another two more deaths due to lightening and floods. According to the DMC 105,352 individuals belonging to 27,064 families in ten Divisional Secretariat Divisions in 14 Districts had been affected by floods and the showery weather conditions. Among them, 40,491 individuals were housed in welfare centres. The Meteorological Departments has said that showery conditions in the South Western parts of the island were expected to peak on Thursday with the start of the Southwestern Monsoon. Heavy showers between 100-150mm or thunder showers would occur at times in the Western, Southern, Sabaragamuwa and Central and the North-Western Provinces and in the Galle. The National Disaster Relief Services Centre (NDRSC) has provided 14.7 million rupees to the 12 district secretaries to address the immediate needs of the affected people. Nearly 7,526 families have been evacuated and sent to 194 welfare centres due to flood and landslide risks and around 447 houses are at high risk, either prone to floods or landslides. Military and police officials totalling 557 were mobilised immediately for search and rescue operations while 5,826 military and police personnel are on stand-by teams for immediate deployment. The Met Departments report is as follows:  WEATHER FORECAST FOR 24th May 2018 - (Issued at 05.30 a.m. on 24th May 2018) Prevailing rainy condition in the South-western part of the island is expected to continue. Showers or thundershowers will occur at times in Western, Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Central and North-Western provinces. Showers or thundershowers will occur elsewhere, particularly after 2.00 p.m. Showers or thundershowers will occur in Jaffna, Mannar and Mullaitivu districts in the morning too. Heavy falls, about 100-150 mm can be expected at some places in Sabaragamuwa, Western, Central and North-western provinces and in Galle, Matara districts. Fairly heavy falls, above 50 mm can be expected at some places in Northern province.  
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